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fried pea routs
炒豌豆苗  detail>>
fried pea nip
炒豌豆夹  detail>>
fried pea shoots
炒豌豆苗  detail>>
fried pea sprouts
炒豌豆苗  detail>>
fried shrimmeat with pea
豌豆炒虾仁  detail>>
fried shrimp meat with pea
豌豆炒虾仁  detail>>
stir-fried tender pea leaves
炒豆苗  detail>>
routs of administration
给药途径  detail>>
routs of infection
传染途径  detail>>
 n.  (pl. peas, 〔古、英方〕 pease ) 1.豌豆;豌豆类。 2.豌豆状物;〔美俚〕棒球。  短语和例子&nb...  detail>>
friedshreddedsquidwithgree ea routs
绿豆芽炒鱿鱼  detail>>
saute bean routs
素炒掐菜  detail>>
sautesmokedchicke hredsandbea routs
掐菜炒熏鸡丝  detail>>
automatic bean routs growing machine
自控豆芽生长机  detail>>
saute beef shreds with bean routs
掐菜炒牛肉丝  detail>>
saute duck shreds with bean routs
掐菜烤鸭丝  detail>>
saute meat shreds with bean routs
掐菜炒肉丝  detail>>
 短语和例子   fry 1  的过去式及过去分词。   adj.  1.油煎的。&nbs...  detail>>